Commit And Efforts To The Improve Of Sustainable Development Goals And Align
To The Natural Rubber Policy Components For Social, Economic And Environmental In Companie's Based On The National And International Laws And Regulations |
No |
Policy Components: |
1,1 |
Comply with applicable local,
national and international laws regarding human
rights, labor, land use and the environment |
1,2 |
against corruption in all of its forms including extortion and bribery. |
2.1.1 |
Producing and sourcing natural
rubber in a manner that does not cause deforestation or a decrease in high conservation value (HCV), identifying
and managing areas for development and conservation following methodologies and guidelines that are compatible with the HCV approach and the high carbon stock approach (HCSA) |
2.1.2 |
Natural rubber from deforested areas or where HCV has been degraded after the cut- off date of 1 April 2019 is considered non-compliant within
this policy element |
2,2 |
Support the long-term protection of natural forests and other ecosystems and their conservation values, and restore
or support the recovery of deforested and degraded rubber landscapes |
2,3 |
Not using
open burning/fire in new or ongoing operations for land preparation, land management, waste management, or any
other reason other than in justified and documented cases
of fire break
establishment, waste management for
sanitary reasons where
public garbage collection is not available, phytosanitary and other emergencies. |
2,4 |
Protect wild animals, including rare, threatened, endangered and highly endangered species from illegal
hunting, over-hunting and loss of habitat in areas managed
by the Company and support wildlife protection activities in affected areas |
2,5 |
the quality and quantity of
water, prevent water
contamination from agricultural and industrial chemicals and prevent erosion
and sedimentation |
2,6 |
Protecting soil
quality, preventing erosion, nutrient degradation, subsidence of soil surface and contamination |
2,7 |
Prevent the development or extraction of raw materials from natural rubber plantations on peatlands, regardless of depth,
area, or status
(wet, drained, or dry) |
3,1 |
Respect and protect nationally
and internationally recognized human rights (UNGP) by avoiding causing or contributing to adverse human rights
impacts and preventing or mitigating any harm linked
to company operations. |
3,2 |
The company ensures effective, non-judicial complaint mechanisms,
both state and non-state based
(consistent with UNGP effectiveness criteria)
to receive complaints and
remedy adverse impacts they have caused due to production and sourcing, such as: 1.
enables the trust of the stakeholder groups for whom it is intended, and is responsible
for the fair implementation of the
complaints process; 2.
known to all stakeholder groups who wish to use it, and providing adequate assistance to those who may face certain barriers to access; 3.
providing clear and known procedures with indicative time frames for each stage, and clarity regarding the
types of processes and outcomes available and how to
monitor their implementation; 4.
Fair: seeks
to ensure that aggrieved parties have reasonable access to the sources of information, advice
and expertise necessary to engage in
the complaints process
on fair, informed and respectful terms; 5.
provide information to parties who submit complaints regarding its progress, and provide sufficient information regarding the performance of the mechanism to build confidence in the effectiveness of the mechanism and meet the public interests at stake; 6.
compliant: ensuring that outcomes and solutions are in accordance with internationally recognized human rights; 7.
learning resources: utilize relevant measures to identify learning to improve
mechanisms and prevent future complaints and adverse impacts; 8.
Based on
engagement and dialogue: consult with stakeholder groups who will use the design and performance, and focus on dialogue as a means
to address and resolve complaints. |
3,3 |
Recognizing and protecting the customary, traditional and communal land
tenure rights of
indigenous peoples and
communities (IP/LC) including: Carrying out operations in accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights
of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP): 1.
Ensuring ongoing
land tenure and access rights 2.
Upholding traditional rights of access
for hunting and gathering of animals
and plants for the purpose
of subsistence and indigenous cultural
and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies. |
3.4.1 |
Ensuring that, prior to any
activity that might affect IP/LC rights to their lands, territories, and resources, their free, prior, and
informed consent (FPIC) is secured. This includes when planning, establishing, restoring, or transforming
corporate plantations and/or industrial
sites, as well as associated infrastructure. The FPIC process is done in a culturally appropriate manner and follows credible accepted methodologies and associated GPSNR
guidance. IP/LC have the right
to give or withhold their consent to any activity that
is subject to the FPIC
process. |
3.4.2 |
Providing mutually
agreed compensation or accommodation based on the FPIC component to prevent violations of IP/LC rights |
3.4.3 |
Adopting measures to provide
remedy through mutually agreed procedures in cases where the company
previously has caused
or contributed to the appropriation of or harm to the lands, territories, or resources of IP/LC without
securing FPIC. Implementation is jointly monitored by the community and
the GPSNR member and/or by mutually agreed
third party(ies). The
accepted methodologies to
be followed for the FPIC
process are: 1.
UN-REDD (2012) Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent 2.
RSPO (2015) Free, Prior and Informed
Consent for RSPO Members
FAO (2015) Free, Prior
and Informed Consent
Manual |
3,5 |
Fulfill obligations in ensuring the FPIC Principles for Indigenous Peoples
and the environment and build
ongoing, effective, culturally appropriate and sustainable dialogue channels with indigenous people and local
communities. |
3,6 |
Uphold and protect
the rights of workers including contract, temporary and migrant workers in accordance with
applicable national and international labor
laws including : 1.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining (1LO Convention No. 87 and No. 98) 2.
No forced labour (LO Convention No. 29 and its 2014 Protocol) 3.
No child labour (ILO
Convention No. 138
and No. 182) 4.
Decent living wages 5.
No discrimination (ILO Convention No. 111 and No. 100) 6.
Legal working hours 7.
Safe and healthy workplaces 8.
No abusive practices (lLO
Convention No. 105) 9.
Gender equity 10.
Safeguards apply
to all workers, including contract, temporary and migrant workers. |
4,1 |
Support decent
living conditions for local communities, especially local communities involved in operations including social, economic and educational welfare |
4,2 |
Support the
local communities to prevent food security risks for local communities together |
4,3 |
Supporting the social
and cultural rights
of local communities, including access to education and employment including economic welfare, education, occupational health
and safety and
the environment |
5,1 |
Support and strive
to increase knowledge and understanding of NR productivity, land use rights,
including understanding risks and preventing deforestation for smallholders |
5,2 |
Control and set energy consumption targets while managing operations to minimize the overall rate of energy
use in operations |
5,3 |
Regulate and maximize the use of natural resources to be more efficient towards green economy, green technology and green in a sustainable manner |
5,4 |
Minimizing and mitigating overall carbon emissions in operations |
6,1 |
Setting public,
timebound and geographic-specific targets and milestones with
their associated indicators/metrics for applying its commitments. |
6,2 |
Embedding commitments into decision-making processes, systems, and performance metrics of corporate management, relevant business units, joint ventures, and company affiliates and subsidiaries |
6,3 |
Maintaining an active, regular stakeholder dialogue to provide relevant information, and to afford Opportunities for feedback and suggestions related to fulfillment of the company's commitments. |
6,4 |
in/supporting multi-stakeholder planning and policy efforts that uphold the GPSNR
principles at a landscape, jurisdictional or other spatial level. |
7,1 |
Conduct supply chain mapping
and assess suppliers for social and environmental risk to prioritize risk mitigation actions. |
7,2 |
Supporting traceability of natural rubber,
at a minimum to an
appropriate jurisdictional level, to know or control
the conformance of purchased materials with
GPSNR Policy Framework. 2.
The level of
traceability will differ for each "node" of the supply chain and
will be documented, with
justification for why the desired level of traceability may not be reached
for all supply
chains and plans
to achieve this level. The appropriate jurisdictional level will be defined
in the implementation guidance. |
7,3 |
Communicating to all suppliers of natural rubber
that material produced
and processed in accordance
and conformance with the GPSNR Policy Framework will be preferred. Providing time bound requirements for meeting the
policy requirements, and ensuring that supplier codes
and contracts, engagement activities, and other
mechanisms reflect these
supplier expectations. |
7,4 |
Regularly engaging the supply
chain (both direct
and indirect suppliers) to support their
conformance with company commitments through effective incentives, support mechanisms, and purchase monitoring systems. |
7,5 |
In instances of supplier non-conformance with GPSNR Policy Framework, developing time-bound implementation plans to move
towards conformance and/or
remediation or past or ongoing harms. |
8.1.1 |
Regularly monitor
natural rubber Policy
Components |
8.1.2 |
Applying monitoring systems and
practices to incorporate crowd-sourced information from local stakeholders and affected parties
regarding non-conformance with commitments. Information sources may be informal or formal. |
8,2 |
Publish progress and results publicly in accordance with
policy principles at least annually |