Studio Altern Mood Film Bengkulu- Indonesia
Musical Collaboration Experiment of video clip in PT.Bukit Angkasa Makmur
Creator production is designed in the crumb rubber industry sector for the first time.
When projects often spend two days with the team orienting themselves in the music space and the team in compiling video clips focusing on the background of the song
On January 28-29 2023, the internal video clip project Studio Altern Mood Film Bengkulu is experimenting with the industrial sector approach
In the Altern Mood Film Studio project and the Bengkulu team made a deliberate decision to create a new breakthrough that was released
With a team of five that make music creation collaborative, fun, and accessible.
The first step is to identify the desired outcome of a project that involves sound or music
Studio Altern Mood Film Bengkulu wants something real that the public can really enjoy
wanted something that made music fun.