RAW MATERIAL OF NATURAL RUBBER RESOURCES PT. Bukit Angkasa Makmur continues to strive to increase the role and competitiveness of rubber commodities by improving the quality of rubber processing materials. PT. Bukit Angkasa Makmur determines the appropriate method based on the consensus of all parties concerned with regard to safety, security, health requirements, scientific and technological developments, as well as experience, environmental preservation, present and future developments. PT. Bukit Angkasa Makmur determines a strategic plan for multi-stakeholders to form a supply chain in the framework of implementing technical guidance for growers, processing, storage and marketing. The type of raw material recommended by PT. Bukit Angkasa Makmur produced by plantation farmers is simply processed so that it becomes another form that is more durable to be stored by doing the following things: a) cleaning the tapping area; b) latex collection; c) latex preservation; and d) latex tr...