PT Bukit Angkasa Makmur is a natural rubber latex processing plant that becomes Crumb Rubber which is a Domestic Capital Ownership Company (PMDN), commencing operations on June 14, 1989 (Notary Deed Winato Wiryomartani. SH) No.103 RI Ministry of Law SK No.C2 -4539 HT 01.01 Dated July 31, 1990. The location of the company is located in Bengkulu Curup Highway, Kembang Seri Village, Talang Empat District, Km 14, Bengkulu Tengah Regency, Bengkulu Province with horizontal land geography within the administrative boundary of the South. Bengkulu watershed, and in the west bordering people's plantations Land used in operational areas of 4.7 hectares with details of land use for the process of purchasing and storing rubber raw materials, Blending and Dryer production processes, workshops / mechanics, laboratories, warehousing, blanket clothesline buildings, office buildings including supplier offices, palm oil stove , and WWTP, with a distance of ± 50 meters from the highway. The source of ...